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Le voyage est une espèce de porte par où l’on sort de la réalité comme pour pénétrer dans une réalité inexplorée qui semble un rêve.
(Travel is some kind of gate by which one leaves reality, just as to enter an unexplored reality that seems a dream)
Guy de Maupassant
Dear member of human kind,
Here you will find all kinds of thoughts related to travel in its broadest sense: practical hints to prepare a trip, but also examples illustrating how I change my own look on my daily life to travel even staying home. In the same mindset, I’ll throw here random thoughts popping up I want to share.
I’m not telling here whether I found inner peace, whether I became an admired singer, nor whether I found infinity… Because at the very moment I looked at the Mongolian steppe, the reality Guy is talking about ceased to be unexplored. When I took my very first singing lesson or ma first session with my shrink, I started integrating in my life something I never experienced before. Dream was coming true. It was slowly loosing its sweetness
Isn’t it interesting to notice that one travels also when back home? The memories I have from my previous trips are not what I’ve really lived. I feel like I visited a multi-millenium island that I fully experienced, but I only stayed 4 days there and I’ve seen only a portion. The island of Templars… The island of megalithic temples… These themes create the illusion I participated to the mythic/mystical times. Beyond these flattering touristic sentences, my memories of my east-west hike across the entire island (well… 10 miles you know) are also reconstructed by my memory. But I don’t see this as a self-treachery. I just consider I keep traveling in Malta from my couch, as soon and as much as I like.
This is the message this piece of web is giving. Transforming reality. Or looking at it from another perspective. This is how I travel staying home.
Dear member of human kind, I wish you will find here many travel opportunities, in its common sense or not. I hope you will get inspiration here, that you will dare open doors to unexplored realities. I wish you a nice travel!